Artist name: represented collection + archive
Artist name: archive
A - F
G - L
M - R
S - Z
Deusser, Else (El. Eugenie)
Dorflein-Kahlke, Bertha
Feldhusen, Anna
Findeis, Hede
Fischer, Paula
Fleischer, Jenny (opera singer)
Gerresheim, Anna
Götz, Gretl
Gries-Danican, Helene
Horn-Zippelius, Dora
Iranyi, Ella
Kollwitz, Ottilie - See: Ehlers
Lander, Käthe (unidentified)
Lange-Scholler, Maria
Linke, Erna
Loewenstamm, Emma
Meinhold, Irmgard & Gertrud
Milde, Dorothea
Nicklass, Elsa
Noske, Sophie
Piper-Engling, Gertrud
Popert, Charlotte
Popp, E.L.
Posselt, Else
Prechner-Stein, Lotte
Reinhold, Rose
Remak, Fanny
Richter, Erika
Rogge, Emmy
Schleusner, Thea
Schwartz, Gabrielle
Schwichtenberg, Martel
Stark, Gertrud
Stein-Ranke, Marie
Suckiewer, Rachel
Thienemann, Elisabeth Char. Timmermann-Heuss, Elsbeth
Tröndle-Engel, Amanda
Weinberger, Gertrud
Wiegand, Dorothea Gertrude El.
Wimmer, Paula
Zitzewitz, Augusta von
(Amalie) Marianne Baronin (Freiin) von Buddenbrock
(Magdeburg 01-07-1864 – after 1943)
Painter and printmaker. Living and working in Berlin. She signed her prints with a monogram MvB and Marianne v. Buddenbrock. Member of the VdBK 1901-1916, in which archives she is mentioned to be related to Julie von Buddenbrock* (1824-1915) who is mentioned in “Kunstfreundin des VdBK” 1867-1914. 10 very fine prints showing flowers are known, edition numbers 50, 100, 150.
Five of them were included in the 1919 Wohlgemuth & Lissner catalogue of “Moderne Graphik”. A print exhibited 1914 in Leipzig BUGRA titled “Rosen” may be print no. 10 (without picture).
No. 1523: “Chrysanthemen” 23,5 x 22,5 cm. (edition?); No. 1592: “Weiße Astern” (31,5 x 29,5 cm. (edition of 50); No. 1708:“Osterblumen” (31,5 x 29 cm. (edition of 75); No. 1888 “Kresse”, 22x 31 cm. (edition of 100); No. 1953 “Primeln” (26 x 24,5 cm. (edition of 150).
The biography of printmaker Marianne von Buddenbrock (mentioned as member of the VdBK) and her distantly related aunt and painter Julie von Buddenbrock is most probably mixed up with her namesake Marie von Buddenbrock (1883-1979) in “Lexicon Schleswick-Hollsteiner Künstlerinnen” by Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wolff-Thomsen.
Student of landscape painter and printmaker Peter Paul Müller (Berlin 1853- 1930 Munich) in Munich and graphic artist Ernst Neumann (1871-1954) in Berlin (mentioned in the “Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon 1922”).
She was represented at the 1914 Leipzig BUGRA in “Das Haus der Frau” with a woodblock titled “Rosen” of which I have not been able to find an example. It belonged to the private collection of Ellen von Siemens-von Helmholtz who lent some 25 German and 25 British graphic works by women artists to the exhibition. A print titled “Rosen” would make 10 known prints by Marianne von Buddenbrock.
Address BUGRA 1914: Berlin-Lichterfelde-West, Kantstrasse 3, member ADK, VdBK.
Dresslers KHB. 1921: Berlin Großlichterfelde-West Kantstrasse 3, member ADK and VDK.
Dresslers KHB. 1930: Berlin Großlichterfelde-West Ringstraße 48, member ADK and VDK.
Müller-Singer, Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon 1922, Vol. 6 p. 42.
Berlin Adressbuch 1943 (last known version): Marianne “Freiin” von Buddenbrock, “Malerin” Ringstrasse 46.
Genealogical relationship Marianne von Buddenbrock to Julie von Buddenbrock:
Her father Robert Eduard Emil von Buddenbrock (Nackel in Brandenbrug near Berlin 27/3-1829 – 10/2-1871 Rouen), a lieutenant in Russian service, married Isabella Nisbet (30-06-1843 Danzig (now Gdansk) – 27-08-1888 Bad Landeck, Silesia), her grandfather: Friedrich Wilhelm von Buddenbrock ⚭ Amalie Antoinetta Sawatzky. Her great grandfather Karl Justus von Buddenbrock (1743 – 1810) was brother to Karl Maximilian Christian von Buddenbrock (1772-1826), whose son Wilhelm AlfredAlexandervon Buddenbrock (1796-1863) was the father of Julie von Buddenbrock (Marianne’s great-great aunt). This relationship was mentioned in the VdBK membership archives. (See Marie von Buddenbrock)
* Buddenbrock, Julie Freiin von (Berlin 11-01-1826 – 11-01-1915 Berlin)
Painter of influential Prussian nobility. Daughter of Baron Wilhelm Alfred Alexander Freiherr von Buddenbrock (23-07-1796 –
20-09-1863), who had a career in the military as well as in the financial world and Baronin Julie Freifrau von Buddenbrock born
Tölpe Freifrau von Limburger (20-05-1795 – 23-08-1872).
Member of the VDBK (“Kunstfreundin”) 1867-1914. She, and her mother, with influence and great wealth, gave strong direction to
the Evangelical community in Berlin and local and worldwide missionary work in the second half of the 19th century. She lived in a
city palace (lost in WW-II) in the Schellingstrasse 12 near Potsdamerplatz with her also unmarried brother Eugen von Buddenbrock
Louise Fraenkel-Hahn (1878-1939)
Jewish painter and printmaker. Known from less than a handful of fine flower bouquets prints reminding of the prints by Hugo Noske. Fled from Nazi Germany she tragically died of pneumonia while in exile in Paris. Her husband later was seized, deported and murdered by the Nazis. This exceptionally fine, extremely rare and wonderful example was found in England in a charity shop. It will probably have travelled as a cherished work art are personal remembering of of more happy days with refugee Jewish Germans to England.
Like so many fine artists in this collection her name has become obscured in history.
Examples of other prints found in auction catalogues etc..
Louise (Ludovicia Leopoldine) Fraenkel Hahn
(Vienna 12-07-1878 – 1939 Paris)
Painter and printmaker. Daughter of Vienna council member, chairman of the “Telegraphen-Correspondenz-Bureaus” and editor of the „Politischen Correspondenz“ and “Hofrat” Ludwig Benedikt Hahn (1844-1925 and Emma Blümel (1850-1940). Her father in 1877 converted from Jewish to Catholic faith.
She had a brother Hans Hahn (Vienna 1879 -1934) and a sister Olga Hahn (Vienna 1882 - 1937).
Prof. Dr. Phil. Hans Hahn (Vienna 1879-1934), mathematician and philosopher, member of the Vienna Circle. Married to Eleonore
(“Lilly”) Minor (b. 1885). The had a daughter, actress Nora Lallinger-Minor (Hahn) (1910-1995). He died of cancer (after
surgery). He worked together with his brother-in-law (married to his sister) philosopher and mathematician Dr. Otto Neurath
(1882-1945) philosopher and political economist.
Dr. Olga Hahn-Neurath (Vienna 20-07-1882 - 20-07-1937 the Hague Netherlands), mathematician and philosopher, member of the
Vienna Circle. Married 1912 her brother’s friend Otto Neurath after his first wife died in childbirth. She became blinded in 1904
and was the third ever female graduate in philosophy at Vienna University. She fled Nazi persecution to Poland, Denmark then to
the Netherlands where she joined her husband. She died after a lung infection following an operation.
She at first was trained at home, and 1896-1898 in the “Kunstgewerbeschule” under painter-illustrator professor Karl Karger (1848-1913) in Vienna, and 1901 in Munich “Damenakademie des Künstlerinnenverein” in “Malschule Heinrich Knirr” (1862-1944). She travelled to Italy, Greece and Paris with her husband. Studied 1907 in Paris and was influenced from French impressionism and Japonism.
Married 1903 Jewish painter Walter Fraenkel (Breslau 12-03-1879 - after 04-03-1943 murdered in Majdanek or Sobibor).Walter Fraenkel was the son of Otto Wilhelm Fraenkel (b. Leipzig 18-07-1848) and grandson of Leonhard Fraenkel and Maria
Milch. His mother Anna Chane Perlmutter (b. Brody Galica 09-08-1857) was the daughter of Samuel Perlmutter (1812-1855) and
Clara Chane Margulies (Ukraine 1821-1908 Vienna).
He also was a student of Heinrich Knirr and was active in the philosophical Vienna Circle (“Wiener Kreis”) with Hahn’s brother
Hans and sister philosopher and mathematician Olga Hahn-Neurath (1882-1937). The couple moved to Paris in 1939 where Louise
died. Walter was last heard of in Drancy/Paris in 1943, was probably deported and murdered.
She created portraits, flower pieces, religious work, book-plates and several elaborate woodblock flower bouquets. January 2022 a large mountainous winter landscape woodblock print signed and dated 1914 by her hand surfaced: “Semmering (Original Holzschnitt, Selbst Handdruck”.
Exhibited in “Kunstsalon Heller” (1908) and in the Secession (1909, 1919). Exhibited 1914 Leipzig BUGRA “das Haus der Frau”
represented in the collection of “Neuer Weiner Frauenklub” with two woodblock prints titled “Föhrenstammen” and “Markt in
Exhibited at “Bund Österreichischer Künstlerinnen” (1916), in the “Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs - VBKÖ”
(1910) and at “Deutschen Frauenkunst” (1925). Graphic works are collected in “Kunstsammlung der Universität für angewandte
Kunst”, in the Albertina and Vienna Museum and in the “Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Bildarchiv und Graphiksammlung)”
in Vienna.
1929 she was awarded the “Preis der Stadt Wien”. Member and co-founder of the “Bund Österreichischer Künstlerinnen”, VBKÖ”,
(1923 acting as 3rd President) and “Zentralverbands der bildenden Künstler Österreichs”.
(See also:Grete Michael-Noindl)
Genealogy of Louise Fraenkel Hahn (1879-1939)
2 Hahn, Ludwig Benedikt (1844-1925)
3 Blümel, Emma (Vienna 1850 - 1940)Grandparents
4 Hahn, Emanuel (b. Milevsko - Mülhausen 1809)
5 Vondörfer, Josepha (Pepy) (b. 28-06-1818 - ?), they had 6 children.
6 Blümel, Johan Franz (b.13-03-1820)
7 Grünewald, Sophie (24-01-1825 - 29-12-1892 Vienna), they had 9 children.
Great grandparents
8 Haan (Hahn), David.
9 Philipp, Katharina.
10 Vondörfer, Abraham Hersch.
11 Meisel, Anna (Chotusice, Kutna Hora, Cz. r. 1792 - 31-01-1825 Janowitz Czechia).
12 Blümel, Johann.
13 Haltbauer, Magdalena.
14 Grünewald, Jacob (b. Hanau, Kurhessen).
15 Schüppert, Theresia.
Great-great grandparents
22 Meissel, Abraham.
23 N.N., Eva
31 Schüppert, Georg
31 Weinmann, Anna
Clicking the Artists Name box above each Artist page will show a popup with a condensed Artist Short Biography taken from the complete entry in “Das Haus der Frau” Vol. I. Lexicon.
The boxed three letter code
found upper-right is referring to the actual collection administration.
The Lexicon with short biographies (480 pages, 2 Volumes) and a PDF-version will be made available through the gallery’s Shop.